Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yard Sign Wars

Had business this morning in the Peoples Republic of Boulder, both City and County; by far the highest percentage of registered Democrats in Colorado. Escaped before the street closures for tonight's visit by the Lightbringer (how many times now?). I was very surprised to see about as many Romney signs as Obama signs.

The GOP holds the high ground, literally. On the ridges flanking US 36, the main corridor between Boulder and Denver, there are many Romney signs with letters ten to twelve feet high.

Where I live in Adams County, the affiliated registered voters are about 58% Democrat. My unscientific count of yard signs is about 70% Romney.

Yesterday I was in El Paso County (Colorado Springs) population 636,000 and Teller County (Cripple Creek), population 22,000. This is GOP country. I saw maybe four Obama signs.

Since Colorado is supposedly as swing state, think Romney has a good chance. Denver County is heavy Democrat, population 619,000. Adams, maybe Democrat, population  451,000. Surrounding Denver is Arapahoe County, leans Democrat, population 584,000, Broomfiled County, even split, population 57,000 and Jefferson, even split, population 539,000.  Statewide, the big "players" are Pueblo County, Democrat, population 159,000, Douglas County, Republican leaning, population 292,000, Larimer County, Republican leaning, population 303,000, Weld County, Republican leaning, 253,000, and Mesa County (Grand Junction), Republican, population 147,000.

Colorado has 64 counties. Most of the rural counties go GOP. This is a change from as little as 20 years ago.  The counties that were reliable Democrat are "infested" with Blue Dog Democrats.  As I've said in previous blogs, the Blue Dogs are sitting on their hands and wallets.

Why I talk about yard signs is that they are a visual sign of voter enthusiasm which translates into "worker bees" out knocking on doors and making phone calls. From what I see, the GOP is out hustling the Democrats in Colorado. Getting out the vote is key to getting elected.


Old NFO said...

Good point WSF, thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a former true precinct committe chair who was tasked with getting out the vote and delivering his precinct for the party. Old habits die hard don't they, brother? I'm wondering if the State of Colorado is going to require both Presidential candidates to pay Colorado Income Tax this year. They have been here enough to qualify for citizenship, I think. The only business that does well during any election is the marketing & advertising business. They don't care who the candidate is...they are out to sell ads.

The most effective ad is...CAST YOUR VOTE!!!



Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Sisty. Wonder how many hours, over the decades, out clan has spent "getting out the vote"? Well, it kept us more or less sober.