Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Shot or Hung? Which Preference?

Redistricting moved me from one Congressional District (CO 7th) to another (CO 6th).

What a wonderful choice, albeit stark, I have this year. The incumbent, Mike Coffman ® is a way out right wing evangelical extremist. Has no problem trying to legislate his religious beliefs into law. One of the backers of the “Personhood Amendment”. That would normally keep me from voting for him.

 Personal note. I am not in favor of abortion but think the Supreme Court got it right in Roe vs. Wade; it is privacy issue between the woman and her physician.

Enter the Democrat candidate, Joe Miklosi, a proud Progressive who thinks Obama is too conservative.  He spent time in the State Legislature, rose to leadership,  and brags about what a fighter he is. Of course, the legislature didn’t accomplish squat because of all the infighting. That was the fault of the Republicans, the “Tea Party”, etc. stubbornness. Certainly not “Fighting Joe’s” leadership. Nor his enthusiastic support of every tax increase bill introduced by any party member. Not one word is his campaign propaganda about bridging differences.

There are two other candidates, a former Democrat and the Libertarian dilettante, that don’t resonate with me.

I think a vote for Coffman is a vote against Obama so that is the way I will go. Just wish, for once, I could vote for someone that doesn’t make me gag.


Ami said...

Damn. Totally different topic than I had in mind. I was gonna go for 'hung'.

Anonymous said...

Knowing Mike Coffman, I must admit that he did a good job as a Treasurer and especially when the Longmont School District had their money difficulties. That and his military service (both times). That being said...glad he is not my representative. I couldn't vote for him for reasons that both you and I have discussed. Manybe you should revist your position on Obama. Just a thought. NOT suggesting that you change your mind, perhaps do a "pro & con" list between Obama & Romney (try to be unbiased) and see which way it goes. Leave out Chicago style politics & your other bias toward Obama and see what happens. Simple suggestion...your mileage may vary.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Sisty.


Teddy Roosevelt 3

Between Teddy to FDR NONE

FDR 11 in 16 years

Truman 5 in 7 years

Ike 2 in 8 years

Kennedy 4 in 3 years

LBJ 4 in 5 years

Nixon 1 in 6 years

Ford 3 in 2 years

Carter 3 in 4 years

Reagan 5 in 8 years

Bush 3 in 4 years

Clinton 15 in 8 years

George W. Bush 62 in 8 years

Obama 923 in 3 1/2 years!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Ami. Care to elaborate?

Ami said...

No. Heehee.