AmiMental.blogspot.com left a comment on the previous post about what a pain in the ass keys locked in a car can be. Reminded me of a keys locked in my car incident from the past.
1972 saw us on a combination business and vacation trip to Southern California. The business part was delivering a snowmobile to a high performance engine builder in Pasadena. While giving the snowmobile a wash down in a coin operated car wash, two older ladies, wearing tennis shoes, stopped by. “Is that a snowmobile?” one asked. When I gave an affirmative answer, she added, “I thought so, I saw one given away on the Price is Right.”
Our next stop was Long Beach to tour the Queen Mary. At the time it was a new attraction. My wife wanted to see it because her late father, a Norwegian immigrant, had crossed the Atlantic on her. We had a great time and our then only child was enjoying himself. Finally, his little legs tuckered out and we returned to our car, a Ford LTD four door hardtop, were I discovered my keys in the ignition and the doors locked.
The parking lot was new and the trees planted for landscaping were about six feet high and braced with three wires. I broke off a section of wire and used that to hook a lock button and get the car open. This took a few minutes.
While doing this, a policeman drove by the end of the parking lane. We made eye contact. What he saw was a large, red faced man with a piece of wire breaking into a car, a very unhappy brunette woman glowering at the man, and a squalling child (who only wanted a diaper change, a bottle, and a nap) on the car trunk. His head snapped forward and he accelerated out of my sight. Coward!
Must confess that isn’t the only time I’ve locked my keys in my car, or my house, or my office. And AmiMental is right, it is a pain in the ass.
Yep, been there done that a couple of times too... You can't use a wire today though... sigh
@ NFO Today's cars are a lot harder to get into. Even a slim jim won't work on many. You need an inflatable bladder, a wedge, and a flexible rod.
Slip the bladder between the door and the roof. Inflate, then slip in the wedge. Reposition the bladder, etc until you can get the rod inside. Usually, you can hit the electric lock button.
Never did learn to use a lock pick.
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