Sunday, November 27, 2011

Quiet Sunday in My Hood

Hostage situation two blocks away. SWAT, flash bangs, loud speakers, HAZMAT team and every off duty LEO in the area present to punch the overtime ticket. Film at eleven?

Unfortunate family trying to unload a truck one block away. Looks like they are moving in. Probably not the Welcome Wagon they were expecting.


Unknown said...

...and then some asshole has to go and ruin it for everybody!

Old NFO said...

I'd think not... And I'd be locked and loaded just in case (as I know you are)...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Seems shortly after midnight, two people were shot and another two stabbed about twelve blocks from this rodeo. No official word if the two are related. This is about serving a search warrant.

Street is clear now.

@ NFO. You are correct, sir. Always locked and loaded. A friend with major security experience has helped me form a defense plan. Layers, routes, firearms, knives, wasp spray and my favorite small sledge hammer are involved.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Latest update. Police searched the house; nobody there.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Further update. All three suspects in custody. Spotted at another house by an officer who patrols that neighborhood.

No "Alice's Restaurant" heroics needed.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know that "Boring .......(Hood)" wasn't boring for awhile. What are you going to do to stir up excitement now????


Old NFO said...

That's good, a 'peaceful' resolution always beats the alternative... A sledge hammer??? :-)