According to the stat counter, this blog is drawing more page views every new posting. I see some new followers. Since I can't seem to figure out how to send you a welcoming email, welcome, and thank you.
This blog was started as a new way to run my mouth, to communicate with friends, and allow the members of my clan to have new material to "tsk, tsk" about, without having to expose themselves. Should you find anything of interest here, feel free to comment. I enjoy arguments! Some will think I'm a bubble or two off plumb. Feel free to say so; you will be right.
Again, to all who come back to read this blog, thank you. I am flattered.
Only one or two??? :-)
@ Old NFO. That I admit. Other may have a much different opinion. FDIL and youngest son, the medic, were here today. FDIL observed my grandson, my son, and I were all alike, much to her aggravation. My reply, "Ah, you didn't know my father. It is genetic." Gives her something to contemplate about the youngest grandson.
LOL, love the comeback :-) and sounds like all you 'apples' didn't fall far from the tree :-)
Forget the apple falling from the tree! I think they all grew on the same branch! The biggest difference between you, your dad, my hubby and my male children is that you, your dad and my hubby didn't have me running the show and raising you! LOL There is still hope for my young sons! (As long as they don't spend too much time around Grandpa!) :-)
@ FDIL Ja, Frau Feldwebel
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