Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Puke and His Family

This is a blog I didn’t intend to write. The subject keeps bothering me.

Briefly, a young puke, long history of lawlessness, got chased down by multiple police agencies. In the struggle to arrest him, one officer lost his weapon to the puke who was able to fire three shots. The officer died. Another officer then shot the puke. Puke later died in the hospital.

The puke’s family now wants to be paid and/or apologized to, and they want the officers involved fired. My anger knows no bounds.

Here are links, mainly to the Greeley Tribune:

What a slap in the face to all the LEO’s involved. I hope somebody goes after the family of this puke. I do understand their mindset. I have shirttail relatives that are criminals. I only see them at funerals. They thinks if they don’t get caught, what they do is ok. If they do get caught, the police are picking on them.


suz said...

Li'l shit's not bringin' in any more drug money. Ghetto payday.

FDIL said...

We've become a society with the mentality of "sue or be sued". I understand the sadness of the family of the aforementioned "puke", but just like their kid, they have to live with the consequences of their kid's actions. Not to mention the pain and suffering that the officer's family is going through. They should be allowed to sue the "puke's" family for wrongful death as well. I am in total agreement with your anger in this matter but will restrain from my own tirade on the matter.

Old NFO said...

FDIL said it for me, and didn't even use four letter words... This is just beyond the pale, but typical of the moneygrubbing lowlifes and the lawyers that pander to them.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

And another view