Monday, January 4, 2010

Alcohol and Drugs Whine

With age comes wisdom, so the adage goes. Why then, at age 65, am I clueless in dealing with alcohol and drug use? Not myself, I quit alcohol in my early thirties for five years. Since then, no more than one of two drinks at a time. No drugs since my twenties. Dealing with others is my problem.

Substance abuse damage is everywhere in my life. Children, children's significant others, sibling's significant others, meth babies, cousins, ex wife, parent, neighbors, friends, and good friend's family members are all caught up in lifestyles involving alcohol and/or drugs. I am blessed that none have killed anyone or themselves with a vehicle. The financial costs are considerable. The emotional damage? Who knows, only that hurts are deep and long lasting.

During my many years in the retail automobile field, I worked for, with, and employed numerous drunks and dopers. I was rarely successful in doing much more than damage control with these individuals. In 2009, six men and one woman I've worked with died. All but one had alcohol and drug issues.

People have been abusing substances since prehistory and will continue long after I am gone. My need is to cope, without ripping my guts out, when it involves people I deeply care for. I continue to study and learn, to seek answers, and hope for wisdom.

End of the pity party. One thing I've learned that works, for me, is to get up every morning and put one foot in front of the other. Keep on trucking.


Old NFO said...

WSF- about all you can do... Self destructive behaviour is all around us, and many just plain do not want help... The behaviour is their coping mechanism, and they don't want to take responsiblity for their own actions, and blame their "problems" on their problem...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

NFO I know you are correct. Still gets to me.

Anonymous said...

As you know I have the same questions and no answers.


Old NFO said...

Oh no question WSF- Had a friend that drank himself to death, even after and full scale intervention and 6 months of rehab.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

People won't and can't change until they themselves are actually willing and ready to do so. We can point, we can heard, but they have to hear their own personal epiphany or have to tank so low that there is no other option.