Tuesday, November 13, 2018

(P)regressive Game Plan

Their game plan drilled down to the foundation is variants of Andy Stern’s infamous threat.

“If we can’t use the power of persuasion, we’ll use the persuasion of power.”
Andy Stern, Former SEIU International President
There is no compromise with liberals. It is their way or else. While they prefer people meekly submit to their program, they are perfectly willing to use whatever force it takes to “win”. Some win! Where is the joy, the satisfaction? They haven’t won any hearts and minds. What shallow, hateful people.

2019 will be a bitter year for Colorado politics. (P)regressives swept all the state offices and gained control of both the House and Senate. Gun control, single payer health insurance, mass transit, renewable energy, and putting an end to fracking and strip mining will be high on their dream agenda. It should be noted most of the newly elected state officials are from Boulder County.

In 2013 a serious effort was made by several counties to leave Colorado and form a new state. It failed, but it is far from dead. The county where I live, Weld, ultimately didn’t go along with the plan. Now? Weld is far and away the largest oil and natural gas producer with something like 23,000 wells. Not all are producing. With fracking, the oil and natural gas play has decades to run.

Colorado is unique in having TABOR (taxpayers bill of rights) as part of the State Constitution.

Were it not for TABOR, Colorado would be right up there with California and Illinois in debt and unfunded obligations. Liberals have been fighting for ways around TABOR and you can bet they will focus their efforts on eliminating or neutering TABOR.

I’m facing a decision. Do I just get the hell out? I was born in Wyoming and only need to move fifty miles north. Do I stay and fight? Part of me wants to get into a fight to form a new state.

While $200,000,000 of out of state PAC monies turned Colorado “blue”, I’m encouraged the “Blue Wave” turned out to be more of a blue puddle nationally.

There are a couple of issues I can find a sliver of common ground with liberals; health care and  K-12 education. The track record of (P)regressives in these two areas is awful. When the family’s insurance costs more a month than a house payment with deductible/co-pays equal to 25% of an average family annual income, that, my friends, is abysmal failure.

 As an aside, our governor elect, as a Congressman, voted for Obamacare while creating a new travel company for medical tourism.

All the monies poured into “education” have funded a bloated self perpetuating bureaucracy. Damn little has flowed to the classroom teachers. Those parents who can do so have their children in charter schools. Why?

Old fart rant. My high school had fewer than 150 students. We had a principal, who had a secretary, three custodial/maintenance types, and five ladies in the school cafeteria. All the rest, including coaches, were in classrooms teaching. All students who tried received a quality education.

The economy will collapse when more is being spent that earned. The deficit under President Trump is still not under control but at least revenues are increasing.

 We can’t have another Great Depression? What, fundamentally, is the difference between “Grapes of Wrath” and the homeless in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, etc.? Better tents?

Prior to the midterms, I was feeling cautiously optimistic. Now?  Back to the Obama times where my only real interest was finding ways to protect me and mine.

It does occur to me that I am sharing the feelings of (P)regressives when Shillary lost. Karma is a bitch.


Old NFO said...

I'm hearing there is a twofer 'rule' now, pretty much two 'administration' types for every grade in a medium sized school, plus 'staff', all of which eat into the moneys that SHOULD be going to the teachers/classrooms... sigh...

drjim said...

Only been here a year, and I'm disappointed in how things went, so I can well imagine how you feel. Probably a lot like I felt about California.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Old NFO-
All of them voting for those who will keep their employment going.

I should be accustomed to the Californication of Colorado by now. What pisses me off is all the outside monies, the ultra wealthy leftists, distorting the political process.

Fredd said...

Just remember Herbert Stein's irrefutable rule: "if something can't go on, it won't." California, Illinois, New Jersey and your Johnny Come Lately state of Colorado all have chickens coming home to roost.

Detroit has become a zombie city: it has been dead for awhile, but just doesn't know it yet. Those city pension checks still seem to arrive in the mailbox every month, despite the city being as bankrupt as Pets.com. We'll sooner or later see how this plays out, with 100,000 retired City of Detroit pensioners one day soon going out to their mail box and finding no check. Or, finding the check, but no bank will cash it. That is the fate of all of these governments who spend money they don't have decade after decade.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Soon to followed by Social Security?

Coffeypot said...

It is hard to fight free money like that pouring in to CO. It is a shame that the natives allowed the destruction of their state, too. I see the problem with the GOP and conservatives is the inability to team up like the Socialist Democrats do. Too many splinters of know-it-all's to join as a single group to fight the good fight. Moving does sound like a good option. The smaller groups only win in the movies.

LL said...

The big entitlements won't fail, but the age to qualify to receive them will inevitably go up. The baby boomers broke the pozie scheme and eventually Congress will do something - after it's too late. Medicare needs to follow along. Age 70 to receive SS and Medicare makes sense to me just because of a force of numbers. Then again, the liberals want medicare for all (their new term for Obamacare).

Well Seasoned Fool said...

At a minimum we will see a draconian "red flag" law followed by swatting. The rest will follow.

Anonymous said...

Dang, I just moved here in June, just escaped Maryland!! I'm loving it here, didn't drag any pre-gressive agenda with me. Now the Blues are going to screw up another state! At least El Paso County is Red, what with all of the military and contractors here.
Where to next?
Wandering Neurons

Well Seasoned Fool said...
