Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Are They Thinking?

When you deal with almost any level of government today, do you experience this?

Shortly after the Murrah Building was bombed, and for several years after, I noticed a distinct improvement in the demeanor and service of government workers at all levels of government. Maybe they realized the person standing in front of them was not a hapless supplicant for their office’s service. This has faded. Most from the Oklahoma City Bombing era have retired.

We have a whole new level of arrogance in this country. Snooty “intellectuals”. Patronizing university professors. The Obama Administration. The Bush administration. Tom “The Hammer” DeLay. Raul Emmanuel; the list goes on. Disrespect towards people who have different opinions; who don’t gratefully assume their “proper” roles.  Do these people think they can’t bleed; can’t be hurt? That they don’t have spouses, children, parents, etc. that aren’t, and cannot be, protected round the clock. The time is coming when they will learn they are wrong, I fear.

It is not as if the warnings aren’t there. Some clear posting on that theme and potential consequences can be found at SipseyStreetIrregulars among others

and on many blog sites (left, right, middle).

The Oklahoma bombing was allegedly  organized and pulled off by a small cadre. Oswald supposedly operated alone. One disgruntled individual with a willing shooter paralyzed a whole metropolitan area.

Say 1/100th of 1% of the licensed hunters in this country started target shooting on upscale golf courses early on Saturday mornings? Or say, gondolas on ski lifts? Might suck out a lot of the joy in being rich and powerful, don’t you think? Sort of like British Gentry in Ireland for a few hundred years magnified a hundred fold.

I am NOT advocating any of this. I won’t help anyone who is. Should I ever hear of anything like this, I will be talking to my trusted LEO relatives (and not the Fan Belt Inspectors).

Now we have this Holmes freak. Lone wolf? Too soon to tell. Another speculative viewpoint?

This Presidential Election may well be the trigger. Romney wins, the Left goes berserk. Remember the Weather Underground? Obama wins, gets even more radical, and the Right goes to war.

Big difference today? Information and communications. Whole new “force multiplier”.

Maybe all these “smart” spin doctor people trying to mold the public mind should go back and study the law of unintended consequences.

It is likely I'm "preaching to the choir" and those reading my blog are already well on their way to being prepared.

1 comment:

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Ah Shucks, I must have sugar coated this post. Per the site meter, a lot of hits, but no comments?