Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fools, and Damn Fools

My former employer of many years was a professional bull rider from the time he was in high school. Had a college rodeo scholarship. Wives, ex wives, several children, and multiple businesses interfered so he had gaps in his pursuit. He wasn’t championship level. In baseball terms he was Triple A.
We recently encountered him as a spectator at a bull riding event and remarked on how fit he looked. The remarks pleased him and he told us of his plan to get back into riding bulls.

At his first comeback event, he cracked two ribs. Undeterred, he rode in an event Friday.

This is the result.

This might slow him down. However, back in the day, with his right arm and shoulder in a cast, he drove a stick shift Subaru from Albuquerque to Mesquite, TX to make the next event.

My sister’s companion still wants to ride at 50+. When I first met him, my response was anyone crazy enough to keep riding bulls was probably crazy enough to date my sister.

These bull riders just don’t quit. I admit to being a well seasoned fool. I deny being a damn fool. Wonder how I keep ending up around them?

On a different topic, this picture was taken in my town today.


Anonymous said...

Probably goes back to your adventures in "wild animal" riding (i.e., mutton bustin') when you made day money. You never graduated to the big time & bulls. Oh, yeah...there was that one time. However, in your lifetime there have been other questionable activities that you have participated in that some people would wonder about your sanity. Not me, of course.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Sisty. In defense of my reputation, I never rode meadow maggots. In my day, we rode the roping calves.

Scotty said...

As I've gotten older I've noticed a couple of things. How much more it hurts when I hurt myself nowadays and also how much longer it takes the heal!!

Rodeo scholarship? I would have never guessed that! And I grew of in the more rural areas of the country!

Old NFO said...

Well, they DO land on their heads a lot... :-) Nice looking old engine!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ NFO. Union Pacific 844. Here every year during Cheyenne Frontier Days. Occasionally pulling the Ringling Bros. Not the only steamer left but the only one still in service by a major railroad. (that I know of)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Scotty. Lots of college rodeo teams.

Scotty said...

Thanks for the link,WSF, I was clueless!