Monday, March 10, 2025

Clickbait or Content?


Well Shucky Darn

In my last post I bitched about clickbait. 

Then I posted the blog title,“If You Have Some Time, You Might Find Something of Interest Here”

Must be clickbait as I’ve more than doubled my normal hits.


Is it possible, after careful review for waste, positions can be restored? Example, forest fire fighters have already been rehired. What should not be restored is the three to four levels of “management” we have been suffocating under for decades.


Coal isn’t dead

Innovation = progress.


Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting

New reason for drinking/fighting?

Data Center


A big step towards freedom from relying on foreign sources.


Another MAGA strike

This time the Small Business Administration. Elections have consequences.


After the OKC bombing, I noticed a positive change, at all levels, in government employees attitude and conduct towards the public. Over time, they slid back into their old ways. Will President Trump’s election and actions prompt a change in their behavior, at least at the federal level?

Tyrants Never Stop Trying – Free Speech

Wouldn’t things just be swimmingly if we all just shut up? It is in their and our best interest when we don’t distract them from their important work.


As Always, YMMV

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