Friday, January 12, 2024

Shut Up, You F**cking Dirt People, You Don't Matter


Land Grab

A obscene melding of radical environmentalist, elite land grab, world global goals and other pathogens designed to circumvent our country’s sovereignty and abrogate our Constitutional rights that I’ve ever seen. All is being done by federal bureaucracy with no Congressional authority.


The pathogens


Perhaps winning another fight can put a stop to it, the court cases against the BATFE overreach. Part of that fight is the BATFE doing things Congress never approved. The hope is SCOTAS will rule against the practice. That will be a framework for attacking any and all overreaching bureaucrats and the Obama third term, “I have a phone”.

Damned if this issues pisses me off enough to run up the black flag and start ……………

 As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Left handed land grab is right, and completely avoids those pesky laws and congressional issues.

drjim said...

I'll help you hoist the flag, WSF!

"Obscene" barely describes it!

Paul M said...

The Nature Conservancy does something similar, then rents out the exclusive cabins on “conserved” tax free lands to high donors. Time to level the SEC and Wall Street, they have become nothing but a bunch of grifters and thieves. Default swaps anyone? The Student Loan program was fine until Wall Street got involved, then professors started gaming the system and the loans became a commodity…to the unsuspecting student.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Left handed way also to sell our public land and keep the money in their pocket.

I have some ideas but, alas, an old keyboard warrior for the moment.

Paul M
The Nature Conservancy makes my anger soar. Near Hayden, CO is the Ferry Carpenter Ranch. In his lifetime, a show piece. His estate somehow let the Nature Conservaratfinks get control and they have turned into a weedy eyesore.

LSP said...

I'm with Paul, grifters and thieves.

The Power intends to own everything, not least ourselves.

Black Flag.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I seldom write Congresscritters, feeling it a waste of time. In this case I made the effort.

Debbie Morris said...

Former President Donald Trump now owns the record for the largest margin of victory in the history of contested Iowa Republican caucuses, more than doubling the previous mark. Citing the Trump campaign, Reuters reported Friday that late Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole previously held the record in contested Republican Iowa caucuses at 12.8 percent. As of 11:35 p.m. ET, the New York Times reported Trump had garnered 51 percent of the vote, with 95 percent reporting. He sat 29.7 points ahead of Gov. Ron DeSantis at 21.3 percent as of this writing. The mammoth margin, which will change slightly one way or another as the last five percent. One caucus leader was heard saying: “In our caucus, we had about 25% switched party from Dem to Rep at the door. Interestingly, they almost all stayed and took part in discussions. They liked it. I think they will stay Republican, and they certainly won't vote for Biden”

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