Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Problems in Paradise, aka Peoples Republic of Boulder

From one of my favorite sites, a true insight into the (P)regressive's minds.


Money quote.

, but in the unique world of Boulder County where reality ceases to exist, it doesn’t matter that the more liberal law is already flouted. What’s needed are stricter laws and more signs.


Old NFO said...

Of course it will be ignored... Bikers always do that, until a semi gets behind them and lays on the horn... :-D

CenTexTim said...

Kind of like those "No Gun Zone" signs that work so well...

Ami said...

Seriously. My mind filled in your post title with 'people's banana republic of boulder'


The effin' bikers here in Portland just about drive me bugshit. Running red lights while bellowing SHARE THE ROADDDDDDDD!!!! Closing all kinds of roads for little races. Riding in the middle of the goddamn travel lane, and yelling SHARE THE ROADDDDDDDDDD when you beep them.

Dickheads everywhere.

We definitely need more signs.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Special snowflakes, don't you know.

Well Seasoned Fool said...


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Your right, it is something of a banana republic less bananas. Lots of fruits and nuts however.

Momma Fargo said...

Boulder. Colofornia right there. Used to be a magnificient place both in natural beauty and fun. Now it makes me want to drive really fast through the town to avoid the high aliens.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Just a warning. Boulder is all about red light cameras and speed traps. Maybe some real police work gets done by accident.