Friday, April 15, 2016

Legacy of Mismanagement

Something I care deeply about.

The mental suffering of veterans in combat is dwarfed by the mental anguish of their dealing with the Veterans Administration. This is not new. Talk to a Korea veteran.

Damned if I can understand how this shit goes on, administration after administration, decade after decade, and only gets worse.

I'm far from a Bernie Sanders supporter but give him his due. As a Senator he has always fought for veterans. That he has been unsuccessful is probably an indicator of his ability to get things done should he become President. 

While not monolithic, I think the majority of Federal Employees vote Democrat and their various unions contribute to Democrat candidates. Perhaps that is why few in Washington,D.C. are willing to take them on.

UPDATE: Just came across this.

So if the bureaucrats ignored the plain intent of the law, why aren't they facing criminal charges? Seems to me that would get their undivided attention. 


CenTexTim said...

"Damned if I can understand how this shit goes on, administration after administration, decade after decade, and only gets worse."

Because government.

The VA may have started out with good intentions (the road to hell and all that) but like most if not all government initiatives it quickly became inefficient and indifferent.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Fought them in 1968-69. Now my youngest son is fighting them. There must be answers.

Old NFO said...

+1 on Tim... sigh

Well Seasoned Fool said...

When I start thinking about these parasites the old infantry assault training comes to mind, just saying.