Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Guess winter is over. Very close lightning strike; flash+BOOM. Lights went out, car alarms went off and surge protectors tripped. I'm not going out in the rain to see where it hit. Very close! Four years ago lightning hit a tree in front of my house and took off big branches. Two doors down a tree came down on a parked car crushing it.

Think it is global warming? Should I sue Al Gore? Or, have an adult beverage?


Stephen said...

Spend the money on beer...Gore a waste of time.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Stephen. Thinking more along the lines of sour mash. Maybe a beer on the side.

Scotty said...

I'd opt for the beer! Lighting like that is just another day at the office often during our wet season here in Florida.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Scotty. Been in some Florida thunderstorms. scary. I'm just not accustomed to lightning strikes in my neighborhood.