Criminals are predators. They view their victims as a resource to be exploited. They have no more compassion for their victims than a coyote has for a rabbit. In their heart of hearts they feel they are entitled to their actions. I am frustrated with those opposed to firearms (firearm, not gun, unless you are referring to a shotgun) who ignore that which is obvious. Every creature on Earth will fight for their survival. A firearm is a great equalizer.
Freedom isn't free and our exercise of our freedoms with firearms will have collateral damages; it is the price we pay. Are there people who should never have a firearm? Of course, and sadly, that includes some of my family members.
Automobiles give us great freedom of movement. Misuse results in horrific collateral damages. Do we try to minimize damage via laws, training, fitness tests, etc.? Of course. Automobiles are used in drive by shootings. Lets stop drive by shootings by banning automobiles. Make sense to you?
Now we are being blamed for the problems in Mexico; a country that has kept their citizens disarmed for decades. The predators in Mexico are well armed because they are CRIMINALS!
Until our "leaders" can show me how they can control predators, I will keep close at hand my tool for predator control. Your mileage may vary.
AMEN!!! As my father always says, An armed society is a polite society. All the government is going to accomplish by taking firearms away from the law abiding citizens is to give the criminals a stronger foothold in society. At least I know that if someone comes through my door wanting to do me or my children harm, I am ready, willing and ABLE to protect us!
It has been this way since time began. Dont let them do it. The only people that are controlled are people that let themselves be that way. FIght! Fight!
The smallest thing makes the biggest change.
And if they get by you they face dumb dumb the attack lab!
Well said Sir! As a friend (who is an LEO) said, the way this is going, I'm going to be a criminal with the rest of y'all cause I'm NOT giving up my guns or ammunition either...
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