Thursday, April 22, 2010

Car Lot Story

Had a complaint about no new posts. Thought of it as a favor to those who occasionally pause here but here is another post.

One time a very nice couple had three children, two in car seats, and a two door coupe as their only car. He was a state trooper and we always tried our best with first responders and military. With some "creative" paperwork, we managed to qualify them for a loan on a decent minivan.

A few days later a nice couple bought a nice SUV that had undergone a rigorous safety inspection in our nationally renowned service department (where they failed to tighten the lug nuts on a rear wheel). After taking delivery, the customer made it eight miles before a wheel came off. The customer was extremely upset when, as luck would have it, our state trooper customer came upon the scene. Their conversation went something like this. "I just bought this thirty minutes ago at Raggedyass Ford!" "Really, I bought as car there last week. Who was your salesman?" "The Tank!"
"Wow, he was mine, too. Let me give him a call".

I got the call, asked him to call a wrecker, and drove down and picked up the SUV customer. He got to drive a brand new SUV free for a week until his vehicle was fixed to MY satisfaction.

It was quite satisfying to feed that $1,900 loser to Mr. Big Shot Service Department Manager. Might I add we were not mutual fans before this?

The SUV buyer was happy. His vehicle was fixed and he had a good story to tell. The patrolman was happy as he was able to repay my favor by assuring the SUV buyer I would take care of the problem. I was happy to have two more customers sending me referrals. The Service Manager wasn't happy which didn't bother me at all.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Yep, you did the right thing, the service department? Not so much...