Friday, August 2, 2024

Get Off My Lawn


The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions 

The same Front Range (P)regressives that voted in wolf introduction are now saving mountain lions. Soon they will be seeing them on their security cameras. Last year per public records, 502 mountain lions were legally killed. 


For the record I’m no fan of trophy hunting even though it put a lot of groceries on our table. My Dad was a guide.

Total Dumb Ass – Misuse of a Firearm


 Hope he gets hammered hard. Since this happened in Sweetwater County the odds are he won’t get a slap on the wrist.

Women in Combat Roles


This woman gets credit for her guts and determination. All kinds of applause. What is lost is what happens after the finish line. Would she be able to treat a casualty effectively? Isn’t that the purpose of the test? In the video a male is in front of her, still on his feet, and moving well. Would he immediately be able to treat a casualty?

The Fort Carson based 4th Infantry uses the Manitou Incline as a training test. My late son, the Medic, climbed it more than once in full battle rattle plus his medic pack. Any bets on how many females can do that and still be able to function as medic at the top? What am I talking about?


Are there important military jobs women can do? Yes! Is the average male soldier stronger than most female soldiers? Again, yes. Why put women in situations where they can become casualties, because of physical limitations, just to check off some political correctness box?

Sure to Boost Public Confidence in Congress

The same congresscritter who tried to impeach Trump will be part of the investigation of the attempted assignation.


Representing my Congressional District 

Just say no to the Ho.


For a Democrat, she has many good points and has pushed some needed legislation, especially on agriculture and health issues. Will I vote for her? Maybe. Her Republican opponent doesn’t excite me.

Grandson Birthday

Today he is in high school. Plays tuba/sousaphone in the marching band.

 As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Sigh...You 'know' you can't ask those kinds of questions... Congrats to the youngster!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Hell of a world when you can't ask questions. I've never questioned female bravery. In fact, there should have been MoHs for those nurses during Tet that shielded their patients with their own bodies.

Ami said...

Incredible how fast the small people grow up.

We saw a bobcat on our way home from Eastern Oregon back in December. It was a gorgeous creature, I had no idea they had such markings. I tried to get a photo but it didn't cooperate and stand still.

I am not a fan of trophy hunting, either, although I have no issue with people hunting to feed their families. I have a relative who gets off on killing things, which bothers me mightily. Not that there's anything I can do about it.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Not only do the grow fast, they grow large!

I have hunted and fished for food. Shot predators. Otherwise I follow the old Mountain Men's advice. "Don't go bothering something that isn't bothering you".