Thursday, November 5, 2020

2020 Election


Swiped this off Facebook. The poster is a former professional bull rider (into his 50’s) and car dealer who has made and lost more than one fortune. Between the times I quit and the times he fired me, I worked for him some ten years.

138,000 votes magically appear and ALL OF THEM are for Biden?! Are you fucking kidding me? What world are we in? 100%? 100%? Think about what I just said. 100%! Even if you are a Trump-hating, LGBTQ, subway sandwich ordering, Starbucks swallowing, forest burning, small business looting, get your feelings hurt from everything, constantly blaming others for your misery, baby killing, non God-fearing, gun hating, man purse wearing, summama! Even YOU gotta think, maybe, just maybe something ain't right here! Did I mention 100%? Lol. Come on man!!!!!!!!!

I’ve refrained from ranting about the election results. I’m waiting to see how it pans out. Something I posted on Facebook.


Progressives wonder why old farts like me so oppose their many great ideas and goals. We see what can happen.

At one time Venezuela was the second wealthiest country in the Western Hemisphere with a standard of living that rivaled, or often exceeded, the USA. Today, it is a hell hole and the children are starving. Root cause? You might look into it. A little corruption, a little ends justifies the means, and an elitist attitude leads to a slippery slope.

At my age, it doesn’t matter. To my, and your, grandchildren and great grandchildren it does.


If the Biden/Harris ticket prevails, how do they expect to govern in a democratic fashion, when a substantial portion of the population regard them as criminals? Do they think it will all be kisses and sunshine?

The way they will be forced to govern is by dictatorship. Is that really the way the (P)regressives want to see our country operate? We have three branches of government and Congress will be split. Nothing will get done. The last four years shows that clearly. The mess will end up in the Supreme Court. Will the President obey the decisions of the court, especially if the President is Harris?

The end of the next four years may well cause us to look back at 2020 as our last good year. At my age, I may not see it.


Greybeard said...

These are not the droids you are looking for.
Move along now.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Yes, master.

RHT447 said...

One day while I was in my late 30's, my dad casually remarked that he could see the way the world was going, and that he was glad he would not be around to see it. At the time, I just chalked it up to his being tired that day.

I get it now--have gotten it for some time.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I feel a strong moral obligation to pass on the opportunities my ancestors fought for.

drjim said...

There's something like nine states that have received more ballots than they have registered voters. In some cases, over 20% more.

And gee.....Every. Single. One. of those ballots has been for Biden.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Totally illegitimate election.

LSP said...


And I'm being polite.

I would never ride bulls, met my match with wild arabian women!

Mind you, tempted to get back on...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Had a World Champion and Hall of Fame rider respond to my question as to my boss's skills. He responded with a baseball analogy. Said my boss would be a solid AAA player.

Regarding Arabs. IMO, there is no shame in grabbing a saddle horn. My youthful response to one bucking was to take them into a bog and spur them hard. Lacking a bog, a fist between their ears. A horse whisperer I wasn't.