Sunday, June 5, 2011

Political Payback???

John Edward’s prosecution is puzzling. Many of the “experts” think the government’s case is weak and may even be tossed by a judge. Whatever the outcome, he is feeling some pain. One wonders if this isn’t some payback from the Obama camp for being a candidate or other political transgressions? Could it be a warning to others considering opposing Obama? Could cause some to rethink their plans.

I was an early Edwards supporter. Part was the “lesser of several evils” position. More likely, a personal interest in an ardent Edwards supporter. This was when I was active in the Democratic Party - pre Obama.

Another line of thought. What would be the outcome if the MSM looked at Obama with the same intensity of the check stand tabloids? Think that will ever happen?

I still admire anyone who has the guts to run for public office, knowing they will face a shitload of aggravation, as part of the process.

An addition from a recent email. Stark reminder of the kind of person that is our president.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Huh... good question... Hadn't thought about it in that vein!